I was going to post about our Thanksgiving holiday yesterday and how I managed to roast my first turkey and not screw it up. I was going to post about how much fun L had with her Uncle Bubby and even show you a picture. Lastly, I was also going to post my outfit from the day yesterday.
However, none of that will be happening today since I awoke this morning to a message from a personal friend on my personal Facebook about how I was the subject of a blog post from a pretty well-known blogger.
And it wasn't praises that were being sung.
I (apparently), according to the post, made someone mad with my opinion on a Facebook status that I responded to on or around November 17. I was responding passionately to something that I disagreed with.
I am going to be professional and respectable and not say any names or anything that could point fingers to specific individuals. I realize that I (and some of my personal friends and family) weren't given that privilege of having our privacy protected, but I wasn't raised to blast people out on social media, blogs, etc. (I'm from the South, we just say, "Oh bless their little heart..." and move on.)
Basically, I commented on a Facebook status and let my opinion be known on a specific issue surrounding children's homemade Christmas ornaments. Sometime between the time I posted my comment/response and the next morning, my comment was deleted. I wasn't surprised. I did, however, share the Facebook status on my personal Facebook page that morning because I wanted to see what others would say about it.
And then I forgot about it.
Well, on Wednesday, November 27, that shared status from my personal Facebook page was posted on a blogger's blog. They did not cover my name or picture NOR did they cover up any of my friends and family's profile pics or full legal names.
The blogger then proceeded to berate me for my opinion that they opened themselves up to when they posted a status about it on their Facebook page.
I was not the only one that had a differing opinion on the original status. Several people weighed in. Several people agreed with my comment by "liking" it. There were some who agreed with what the post was about, too! I didn't say anything to them. I directed my comment to the writer. I thought I was respectable. I thought I made myself clear. I don't believe I threatened their parenting skills in any way.
I hit a nerve and now my name is being circulated throughout the internet. The post, at the
time of this writing, has been shared 532 times on Facebook alone. Wow. At least 532 people have seen my face and are all forming opinions of me and my friends and family. They are all judging me and my friends and family by one post. One.
The comments on the blog post are very hard to read. I keep reading the word
judgmental and, at first, I was angry. Oh I was so angry! I am not a judgmental person! And then, after several conversations this morning with friends and family, their words started to sink in....
They are judging me by one post.
And that realization calmed me and helped me write these words.
I knew when I started blogging, that this day would come. I honestly thought it would be in my comments and a reader would be telling me how judgmental I was, but it happened in another realm of social media and it was taken to someone else's blog. Okay, so be it. I can't take it back. I meant what I said and I mean what I say today.
This is me not giving someone the satisfaction or the publicity that they, apparently, so desperately need. I am a nobody in the blogging world and in the general world itself. I am not a celebrity. I don't know what this blogger thought they would get out of it, but if they needed to do that to make themselves feel better (which is what I am starting to think) well, then, so be it.
I'll be your damn martyr for today.
Tomorrow, you can kiss my ass.