5 Little Grins

Today I decided to do a post for the 5 Little Grins Link Up that is going on right now over at Warrior Queen.

 5 Little Grins

Basically, this is where I tell you five things that made me smile in the last week. 
 Sounds like a pretty good way to get through a Monday, right?

Here we go...

1. You guys kicked off my Operation: Get Out of Yoga Pants post in an amazing way!  Thank you so much for that!  Seriously!  Go check the comments out on that post-there are so many!  You guys are great-thank you so much! 

2.  I baked something from scratch for the first time in a very long time this week.  It was so therapeutic!  Don't worry-you guys will get the recipe!  

3.  I got to watch my niece on Friday!  That was super fun, but I was exhausted by the end of the day.  Ha!  I also ended up having a play date the same day, so at one point, there were SIX females in the house.  My husband walked in the door and you could see the panic on his face of how much estrogen was in his home. Priceless I tell you!

4.  My hubby and I had a date night Saturday night where we ate brownies and ice cream and watched The Great Gatsby.  (By the way, the movie....SO GOOD!  Oh man!) 

5.  We carved our first pumpkins as a family this year.

What made you grin this past week?


  1. Brownies, ice cream, AND The Great Gatsby? Totally jealous! Thanks for linking up with us this week!

    1. Yes! Not to brag, but it was awesome. LOL! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  2. I was blessed to link up after you on the Mommy Monday link up. Thanks for sharing your smiles, it made me think of mine.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Bobby! I am glad to share! :)

  3. Thank you so much for linking up! I love these little smiles and I cannot wait for your recipe. I haven't had time to bake from scratch in awhile, I need to make some time this week.

    Also, your pumpkins look amazing! I hope you link up again next week!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I can't take all the credit for the pumpkins. I cleaned the insides out and the husband did all the carving. He's pretty artsy like that. :)

  4. What awesome grins for the week! The pumpkins turned out great! I haven't baked in forever, I've been wanting to whip up a pumpkin pie.. Maybe I will go get the ingredients today :D

    1. Thank you Kenzie! Thanks for stopping by! I will definitely be posting that recipe soon!

  5. Ah! Love this link up! I'm gonna have to write it on my list of things to do! :)

    1. I just found it yesterday almost by accident and I love the idea too! It's a great way to start a Monday! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I want to watch the Great Gatsby! Glad to hear it was good & your hubby & you got a yummy date night out of it too :) Oh, and cute pumpkins- I don't think we are carving any this year. I'm OK with it since I end up doing most of the work!

    1. I actually managed to get the husband to do all the carving. LOL! I don't know HOW I managed that, but it happened. Great Gatsby was SO GOOD! I'm even considering adding to the DVD collection so I can watch it over and over. It was THAT good. Leo did really well in that role. One of his best, I think.

  7. Loved hearing about you week! Isn't it fun having a date night with your hubby! Maybe I'll rent the Great Gatsby this week and my hubby and I can watch it :)

    Shauna @ The Best Blog Recipes

    1. I love our date nights. I love them even better when we just sit and watch a movie together. That's how we spent half of our first anniversary. We went out to dinner then came home and watched a movie and had two giant cupcakes. :)

  8. Looks like you had a great week. Date nights are always good, especially if they include desserts and movies.

    Deauna @ Honesty’s Protégée

    1. Yes! We don't get to have them that often, but that makes it all the more special. :)

  9. Those are some cool looking pumpkins! I haven't seen the new Great Gatsby yet :)

    1. Thank you! Hubby did the carving-the kiddo and I did the cleaning out of the guts. Ha! I don't know who's job was more tedious! And you MUST see Great Gatsby! It was so good!

  10. You're welcome! Thanks for stopping by!

  11. I remember seeing the Great Gatsby when it first came out. I didn't understand it then,, so maybe now that I'm "more mature", I will have to view it again.
    Something that made me smile this week was watching the pre-schoolers walk through the hall acting like silent ducks. Their leader was a fun-loving large woman and behind her, all in a line, were about a dozen tiny little people with their arms tucked up and flapping. Every once in a while they'd stop and wiggle their bottoms. So darned cute!


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