Linked Up!

Hello Everyone!

I am taking a brief moment while L is napping to introduce you all to a blog I follow and gather inspiration from time to time.  Stephanie at Mama and Baby Love writes and posts wonderful things that we all need to read from time to time. At Mama and Baby love, it is all about "the ways we can nourish and love ourselves, so we can nourish and love our families." (Direct quote right there!)  Also, if you are on Pinterest, she has one of THE BEST pins on freezer cooking with slow cooker recipes!  She even has an ecookbook  for sale!

Stephanie was nice enough to allow me to plug my little space here on the word wide web, so I am doing the same for her!  Go check her out!  Tell her Sara from Plethora of Pondering's sent you!

And don't go anywhere!  I have a list of things to talk about with you all!  We are going to start getting a little deep around here.  I have some topics that have been swimming in my head for weeks.  I believe I have managed to get them all sorted out, into a nice little list, and boy, have the words been coming!  I had a really good conversation a couple of weeks ago with my dear friend K and it all started there.  We are going to discuss being real, being insecure as mothers, I am starting a new book review section of the blog (so all you book lovers like me can find great things to read), and some personal things that I feel my readers deserve to know. (That goes back to the being real post.)  How are you supposed to trust me if you don't know me, right!?  Well, you are going to!  Stay tuned!  I leave you with this, my fellow readers:

Until next time,


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