Tuesday Thoughts

Yesterday was a hard day.  I'm not talking from a parenting standpoint, I'm speaking from a personal standpoint.

Over the weekend, there was a terrible car accident and a local teen was killed and four of her friends were injured in a one vehicle accident.

This whole community is devastated.

I am an outsider.  This is my husband's community and I am slowly working my way into it.  However, I know grief, and it was draped all over this town like a cloak.


The tragedy, of course, is all over the news, in the newspapers, and plastered all over social media.  Despite all of this, it took me a bit to see the face of the young girl that was killed.  

The minute I finally saw her face, all of those memories from all those years ago came flooding back, and I was left pretty consumed for the rest of the day.

For those of you that don't know, (but you can read more about it here) I lost a friend when I was eighteen.  

I relate to this tragedy.  I relate to the friends of this girl.  I am a friend of a girl who was taken all too soon.  

Take all of those previous thoughts and then stack them on top of the sympathy I feel for this girls mother.  I am a mother to a little girl and the idea of something happening to my child is enough to make me spontaneously combust.  I can't imagine what this mother is going through, but I still hurt for her.  If anything were to happen to my daughter, I would be beyond devastated.  You should probably just lock me up and throw away the key.

So, yea, yesterday was a pretty tough day.

I spent all day wrapped in a shroud of  "blah" and I was never so glad to go to bed.  I sincerely hope there is some sunshine and some nicer weather this week.  I need some sunlight for my dreary soul. And maybe some Starbucks....

Anyway, thank you for listening to me ramble.  I know this was kind of a drab post, but I also know some of you like my deeper writing.  I haven't had a post like this in a few weeks, so I thought, "Why not?" Thanks for reading. :)

Fear not, I will see you guys tomorrow for a new recipe!  Quick, easy, and yummy for kids and adults!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Becca! I'm better now. It was just a rough day. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. It's an awful, awful thing to have happen. It seemed like teens were being taken from my hometown right and left after I graduated. Sending positive vibes to you and your community.

  3. How sad. I've never had someone that close to me die, but I can feel the pain when it happens to others. In our church group we had a girl die that was 22 last spring. She had no kids but was married. It made me really appreciate my husband and want to do more for him because I can't imagine what I would do if that happened to me and I lost my spouse. When things like this happen it really makes me think about the things I've got and how I should hold them closer (like how you were feeling about your daughter). I hope things get better and you enjoy a good nights sleep!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Allie! I am feeling much better. When things like this happen, it really does make you take a step back and re-think what you are doing and how you are doing it.

  4. I can't even imagine. It's so heart breaking. I'm normally the kind of girl that could sit here and write something either encouraging, or thoughtful, or something...but not for this. I'm sorry for the loss your town has suffered, and I'm sorry for the loss you suffered when you were younger...I'm sure seeing it replayed before you doesn't make the grieving any easier. :( It really does break my heart...

    1. Thank you! You are too kind! It was a hard day, but a good nights sleep and some writing helped out quite a bit. Even though it's been twelve years, the hurt is still there, and sometimes it all just comes rushing back at once and it makes for a pretty blah day.

  5. I'm so sorry about your blah day and the tragedy. Maybe your well get closure and be able to turn the grief into something somewhat positive by reaching out to the mother. I'm sure it would be comforting to know even strangers are thinking of her. I hope today is better!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Raewyn. It has certainly been a rough week around here and I am glad it is Friday. I feel better now after having some time to myself to process things. I have actually started drafting a letter to the family to post on the memorial Facebook page that someone set up for the teen. Maybe someone in her family will see it and it will bring them comfort.

  6. I'm sorry that this happened in your community...and that is affecting you personally. I hope that today feels better.

    1. Thank you, Aubrey. I am better now than I was. I've had time to sort through things and address some things and I feel better now. You never really "get over" losing a friend at a young age, it just gets easier to cope with as time goes on. Sometimes though, sometimes that loss comes back very strongly, and it is just tough. Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate them.

  7. So so sad. I get what you mean with the community thing though- it's hard when you feel like an outsider. I hope you all are doing OK and I'm so sorry to hear about it :(

  8. We are doing better, Melissa, thank you! Thank you for your kind words-they are appreciated!


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