For those of you that are new to our little place here on the web, on Friday's I do a quick post on what some of my favorite thing's were from the last week. It gives me a chance to unwind from the week and prepare for the weekend. It also gives you a chance to learn more about me and my life.
Now, I will admit, since this week flew by so fast, there isn't much I was able to capture. I don't even think I accomplished two thing's on my to-do list this week. Ha! Sometimes, that is life. Next week will be slower, hopefully!
Nonetheless, I captured some thing's that I would like to share with you all:
Watching Daddy, Lynzi, & Ellie taking a walk
in our backyard
in our backyard
Driving our car
First wedding anniversary ice cream
Cuddly toddlers
A little bit of TV time (We love Elmo around here.)
I turned 30!
You can see how I spent my day here.
You can see how I spent my day here.
There was one thing that I couldn't quite capture with a photograph this week and that was you, my reader's. You guys made it a great week around here by reading, supporting, and having faith. I haven't heard from anyone that my letter's were sent to, but that is okay. Perhaps they are still out there, floating around. If they are, they are probably soaking up more love so that when they do reach their destination, they will be dripping and exuding so much peace and love, the family of Martin Richard will feel it and they will know that we care. It isn't just the destination that is important, it is the journey.
I will see you all next week for the next and final installment of The Month of 30 Series. I have many thing's planned for next week. I will be writing a lot this weekend. :)
Have a great weekend!
Until next time,
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